Making a Change
At times in our lives we are all called upon to change. It may be our own initiative or one instigated by an outside force, a new company policy for example. Often we find change difficult. The law of inertia states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest, and that’s true for people too.
I Hate Speed Bumps…
Although I hate actual speed bumps and the fact that they are needed, I do believe the idea of them is important for us as leaders. Hopefully you have made lots of progress on your 2024 goals. Although goals are important, we must remember to slow down from time to time to make sure we are still on track and to rest.
The Berenstain Bears and The Blame Game
“But most of the time, it’s important to remember there’s usually enough blame to go around.”
The 4 Times of Leadership
There is another way that we must consider this question. We must be aware of the appropriate action to take at the current moment. “What time is it?” often really means, “What is this time for?”
Just Reasons, NO EXCUSES!
Excuses avoid action, reasons fuel action. When we make excuses we are trying to get out of something. When we offer reasons we are determining the next step to take. An excuse is information presented to avoid doing. A reason is information presented to better know what to do.
5 Reasons to Lead Like You
Remember what the great Dr. Seuss said: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Mistakes Make Leaders
Stop blaming others for your mistakes. I have already said that mistakes shouldn’t be a negative, so stop throwing the blame for mistakes on someone else. Taking responsibility for your mistakes helps you grow as a leader. It helps you understand your own flaws and work to overcome them.
Attitude is Everything!
A positive attitude is one of the most important characteristics a leader can have because of how contagious it can be. The late Paul J. Meyer, the founder of the personal development industry used to say that “Attitude is Everything.”
A Desire to Succeed
In every situation, there is something the leader can do to help those around them succeed, they just have to want it badly enough to find and pursue it.
Leadership and the Game of Heartball
By knowing and doing what matters most you will find peace, happiness, and satisfaction each day.
Five Mistakes I Made Starting A Business
My business is not successful in spite of the mistakes I have made. It is successful because of the mistakes I have made. I have learned a lot from all of my mistakes and they have made me into a better leader and business person.
The Power of the Team of Two
There is an old saying that opposites attract, and that is debatable. What is not debatable is that opposite styles complete each other. The Team of Two is about completing each other. In an organization, the Team of Two creates a multiplier. With the Team of Two 1+1 no longer equals 2, it equals 3.
Competition Kills Culture
Internal competition on a team, a desire for personal rather than team accomplishment undermines a team. It can cripple an organization. It can quickly turn a positive culture into a negative one. Never set up competitive situations where one team member must face off against another team member. This creates a disconnect between your people.
Micromanaging is a Myth
Have you ever heard someone make one of the following statements? “I don’t want to be micromanaged” or “Stop trying to micromanage me.” Perhaps you yourself have said something like that before. There is no such thing as being micromanaged. The majority of times you hear someone make one of those statements, it is in response to someone upping the accountability. Maybe your manager now requires you to provide a weekly report or even a daily one. That is not micromanaging. It is them holding you accountable. If you are able to be held accountable, you can master PR and become a part of the solution, not the problem.
We See Things As WE Are
Take a look in the mirror from time to time when you are having an issue with someone. Chances are you are a huge part of the problem. You cannot control other people. But you can control yourself. That is called personal responsibility. And guess what? You can influence people through your behavior. Actually I think if I am not mistaken that influence is called… Leadership. Try it sometime.
Lead Like Lincoln
The life of Abraham Lincoln is proof that great leaders are raised to confront great challenges. Lincoln possessed three leadership attributes badly needed by a nation torn apart by Civil War. First, he could focus on a single leadership objective. Second, he put his extraordinary communication abilities to best use. And last, he was determined to succeed!
Values, Inc. – A Must Read for all Business Leaders
Some organizations just flat out get it right when it comes to doing business the right way. The Dwyer Group, based in Waco, Texas is one of them. They understand that people are their most valuable resource and they live by a unique code of values.